The Sixth Formers' Guide to Degree Apprenticeships

industries or business sectors and prepare for the graduate job market – all whilst studying a subject you’re interested in and, hopefully, enjoying the social and extracurricular life on offer at university. However, for sixth form

route to a university degree and a guaranteed graduate job. But who is most-suited to doing a degree apprenticeship, and who would benefit from the traditional university experience? The latest research with

More than 50 UK universities now provide degree apprenticeships.

students who already know which type of job or career they want to do, a degree apprenticeship could be an ideal option, provided there’s an apprenticeship that matches the

university students shows that fewer than one in six were certain about what they wanted to do for their career when they first started their degree.

type of roles they’re interested in. Whether it’s working in technology, engineering, law, banking, healthcare, accounting, business & management, or many other occupations and professions – a degree apprenticeship could provide a fully-funded pathway to a graduate-level job in your chosen industry or business sector. More than fifty UK universities now work with employers to provide degree apprenticeships (or their equivalent), including the University of Exeter, Manchester Metropolitan University, Queen Mary University of London and the University of Warwick in England; Herriot Watt University and the University of Strathclyde in Scotland; Cardiff University and Swansea University in Wales; and Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland. It’s worth remembering, there is no such thing as a ‘general apprenticeship’ that you could use to find out about different roles or career opportunities – all degree apprenticeships are for specific job-types or occupations, working for an individual employer. And to win a place on the degree apprenticeship, you’ll need to be able to convince the employer why you’re keen to work in that role, and successfully complete their application & selection process.

So, for the majority of sixth form school-leavers, going to university provides 3 or 4 years to think about the type of career they’d like in the future. There’s time to get work experience, try out different Destinations of Sixth Form School- Leavers in 2023-2024

Destinations of 18-year olds in 2023




Degree Apprenticeship

Source UCAS/Department for Education

12 Degree Apprenticeships

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