Start your journey towards CIMA’s CGMA ® designation.
Who can qualify? The CGMA Professional Qualification is open to all, regardless of your educational background. You can start an apprenticeship immediately after school or join a graduate programme after you head to university. We work with employers across all industries and sectors. JP Morgan, Barclays, BT, PepsiCo, KPMG and more offer sponsorship opportunities for you to complete the CGMA Professional Qualification while you work with them.
CIMA ® , or The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants ® , is the largest globally recognised body of management accountants worldwide. CIMA offers the Chartered Global Management Accountant ® Professional Qualification (CGMA ® PQ) , the most relevant finance qualification for a career in business. This is not your traditional accounting qualification. Graduates of the CGMA PQ
become management accountants, who work in all different roles across a business: they are CFOs, directors, management consultants, analysts, business partners and more.
Sign up for more info today. myfuture.cimaglobal.com/me
The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants ® , powering leaders in accounting and finance around the globe © 2024 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. All rights reserved. 2409-582000
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