Business & Management
A career path that means business A business & management degree apprenticeship could be the beginning of a career at one of the UK’s best-known companies.
T he latest data from UCAS shows that doing a business or management degree at university is one of the most popular choices for the nation’s sixth form school- leavers. Last year, a record 184,000 students submitted applications for places on these courses, eight times the number who applied to study medicine, and double the applicants for engineering and computing & technology degrees. It’s a popular degree choice because it can provide a broad understanding of the business world, which can be applied to many industries and job roles, such as marketing, finance, sales or operations management.
There are several different degree apprenticeships that include many of the aspects of business & management undergraduate degree courses. The chartered manager apprenticeship is a four-year programme that focuses on areas like leadership, strategy, business finance, sales & marketing, innovation, project management, personal effectiveness, and entrepreneurship. It leads to a BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons) in business management. A third of the employers featured in The Sixth Formers’ Guide to Degree Apprenticeships are offering degree apprenticeships in business & management in 2025, including AstraZeneca, Shell, and Transport for London.
42 Degree Apprenticeships
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